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Welcome to the official website of Chaohu Xiangfeng Plastic AIDS Co., Ltd.,!

Chaohu Xiangfeng Plastic AIDS Co., Ltd.

well-known production base for plastic auxiliaries

Serving and promoting development is the eternal theme

National Sales Hotline

+86-553-6182688 ,6183300

Product center

Engaged in the research and development, production and sales of plastic auxiliaries

Liquid Ba/Cd/Zn (Ba/Cd/Zn)

Product Type  PVC liquid compound heat stabilizer series
Product name: Liquid Ba/Cd/Zn (Ba/Cd/Zn)
Performance and uses: It is self-sliding and can be used alone.Generally, powder stabilizer or lubricant must be added in general processing. It has good thermal stability and transparency, initial coloration, excellent weather resistance, good gelatinization,, can improve production speed, .
Uses: suitable for soft or semi-rigid for PVC products both in tape machines, and extrusion machines.