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Welcome to the official website of Chaohu Xiangfeng Plastic AIDS Co., Ltd.,!

Chaohu Xiangfeng Plastic AIDS Co., Ltd.

well-known production base for plastic auxiliaries

Serving and promoting development is the eternal theme

National Sales Hotline

+86-553-6182688 ,,6183300

Product center

Engaged in the research and development, production and sales of plastic auxiliaries

Liquid Ba-Zn complex stabilizer

Product Type  PVC liquid compound heat stabilizer series
Model: XF-series
Product name: Liquid Ba-Zn complex stabilizer
Uses: This series is a self-lubricating stabilizer with high efficiency; has good heat resistance and transparency, resistance to vulcanization pollution, no whitening precipitation, Suitable for long-term processing at high-temperature.
Suitable for the production of soft or semi-rigid PVC tape, rubber sheet and white or light-colored products processed by tape machine, extruder.
Packing: 180 or 200kg/drum